2016 August 1UP Box Unboxing - [Speed]

2018-06-01 0

2016 August 1UP Box Theme: Speed\r
If you want to use my reference code: \r
Use Code Awesome to receive $3 off your first box!\r
Pricing Information:\r
1 Month Subscription = $12.92 + $7 Shipping = $19.92*\r
3 Month Subscription = $12.42 + $7 Shipping = $19.42 = $58.56*\r
6 Month Subscription = $11.92 +$7 Shipping = $18.92 = $113.52*\r
*CA Residents add ~$1.70 Sale Tax per box\r
Facebook: \r
Instagram: \r
Twitter: \r
Want to send me stuff?! Heres my PO Box!!!\r
Steph aka Nerdy Newb\r
P.O. Box 2277\r
Castro Valley, CA 94546\r
**Anyone who sends me stuff might receive surprises in the future!!!!